Book indexing, journal indexing. Word macros for indexers and index users.

Book indexing, journal indexing, re-indexing of books, journals and collected works, especially science and engineering but also history, biography, natural history.
Cindex is used for conventional indexing, IndexExploit for embedded indexing and linking,
Index conversions from Word or PDF format to Cindex, Sky Index, Macrex, Index-Manager, spreadsheet or database. Up to 15 heading levels, simple and complex locators. Many cross reference terms can be recognised, giving IndexConvert a multi-language capability . See also IndexConvert.
Works indexed and other experience
Using Cindex, indexes can be supplied as RTF, QuarkXpress, Adobe InDesign or tagged text files including XML, IXML, AAP, HTML, UCP or custom.
Word embedded indexes are supplied using a combination of the Word indexing module and IndexExploit.
Subjects where I have domain expertise or have indexed include
Electrical engineering
Natural sciences
3D Printing
Systems engineering
History of science
Please use the contact form to order software
Licences from £35 (GBP).
Evaluation costs nothing and may be enough for you to create a Word embedded index in your first book.
IndexExploit has been used for embedded indexing in Word including to create or fix Word embedded indexes for leading presses and packagers. IndexExploit is probably the best Word add-in for embedded indexing since the creation of the original indexing module in the 1980s, it also links indexes. Users familiar with the Word indexing module will find IndexExploit easy to use, making it ideal for professional, occasional, and hobby indexers. The integrated bookmark and entry form speeds indexing. It supports four entry levels and includes many features familiar to professional indexers including entry flip and heading/subheading swap. A dropdown list of entries makes entry selection fast and accurate.
The Word indexing module has been largely unchanged since the 1980s. If you have old documents where you now need the indexes to be linked, then IndexExploit is a solution.
Index linking options suit the needs of a variety of formats including PDF, EPUB and web pages.
Publishers are increasingly moving to embedded indexing because of the need for multiple formats. IndexExploit compatibility features support publishing by controlling the position of XE fields and optionally adding information for typesetters. IndexExploit has been used to create complex multi-lingual (including English/Chinese) embedded indexes and to rescue troubled embedded indexing projects.
The PDF linking capability allows a Word document to link page numbers to PDFs using a document map. The page numbers can be converted to hyperlinks, resulting in a standalone index to your favourite archive.
A Utility exports hyperlinks to a table. Developed to help an organisation update their online cumulative index, the table can be used to create a hyperlink map for use by an indexing program like Sky Index.
This user guide and IndexExploit help to answer the following questions beginning how do I:
· learn about Word embedded indexing?
· create an index in Word
· create an embedded index in Microsoft Word?
· edit a Word embedded index?
· make a Word index clickable?
· link an index to content?
· turn a Word document into an epub with a linked index?
· turn a Word document into a PDF with a linked index?
· index ranges faster and more reliably in Word?
· alter a range referenced by an XE field?
· find errors in a Word embedded index?
· re-sort a Word embedded index?
rescue a document when the embedded index is incomplete or went wrong?
embed an existing index into another Word document? May need IndexConvert.
For more information see the user guide on the downloads page. A price list and other information is also available.
Licences from £37 (GBP).
Imports for Cindex, Macrex, Sky Index, Index-Manager, spreadsheet and database.
People often need to update existing book indexes or journal indexes, including society records that may go back many years. IndexConvert is the best solution for the task. Indexes may be scanned images in PDF format. Technology (including OCR) exists to convert those indexes to Word. But that's only the first part of the process. The next is to get the indexes structured so they can be read into indexing software or database. If you do this regularly it will be cheaper and more accurate than using a conversion service. IndexConvert is a Word add-in using artificial intelligence (AI) for reverse engineering indexes into Cindex, Macrex, Sky Index, Index-Manager, a spreadsheet or a database. Libraries of patterns built from testing against many indexes, supported by a powerful audit capability give outstanding results, often finding defects in the original index. A process that previously took several weeks and was susceptible to errors can be completed in a day. IndexConvert has been tested for more than 10 subheading levels and can handle complex locator strings. Multiple cross reference terms and a Unicode character set means many languages can be supported.
A user guide and price list are available on the downloads page. There is also a checklist for tracking progress, this can be modified to suit individual projects.